Breaking News

Local Golden Retriever has Twelve Puppies

The local Golden Retriever Bella has given birth to twelve puppies who all seem to be very healthy. The owners Mr. and Mrs. Mcdonald are very proud of their dog Bella as Mr. Mcdonald said, It is good to see that all the years of caring for her were worth it. After talking to the proud owners of Bella, the people of Bark News decided to reach out to the local dog community for their input on this great achievement. We heard responses from woof to no response.

Local Dog Brian Griffin is Writing a Play

The famous local dog Brian Griffin has announced he will start writing a play after many months in the dark. According to Brian, the play will be called "A Passing Fancy" which will talk about a man losing his girlfriend in a dramatic breakup. A few words from Brian himself about his new play,Though this seems to be more out of my comfort zone I believe that I can make this play better than the recent play Hamilton.

The Bark Festival is Next Week

The Bark Festival is right around the corner and every dog is looking forward to getting a few days off work. All the local stores have everything half off in hopes to bring up their yearly sales to an all-time high. PetSmart is offering 50% off all toys and treats to those who buy on Black Friday. The other stores are offering between 20% off to 70% off all select toys and treats.

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Author: Roman Muter